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Random Lines with Processing

Create dynamic visuals with Processing.

Creating compositions of random lines is easy with Processing. Lines of various shades of grey are drawn across the width of the frame inside a for loop.

Random Lines, Black Background

This first version creates an 800 x 600 display window with a black background.

Composition of Random Lines with Processing


size(800, 600);

for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
      stroke(random(255), 100);
      line(i, 0, random(0, width), height);

Random Lines, White Background

Another with the same size display window and lines, but with a white background.

Composition of Random Lines with Processing


size(800, 600);

for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
      stroke(random(255), 100);
      line(i, 0, random(0, width), height);

Random Stroke Weights

Random opacity and weight of the lines adds more variation to the composition.

Composition of Random Lines with Processing


size(800, 600);

for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
      strokeWeight(random(2, 10));
      stroke(random(255), random(10, 100));
      line(i, 0, random(0, width), height);

These code snippets were written in 2008 but work with the current version of Processing (as of this post, v3).