Create dynamic visuals with Processing.
Creating compositions of random lines is easy with Processing. Lines of various shades of grey are drawn across the width of the frame inside a for loop.
Random Lines, Black Background
This first version creates an 800 x 600 display window with a black background.
/**/ size(800, 600); smooth(); background(0); strokeWeight(10); for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) { stroke(random(255), 100); line(i, 0, random(0, width), height); }
Random Lines, White Background
Another with the same size display window and lines, but with a white background.
/**/ size(800, 600); smooth(); background(255); strokeWeight(10); for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) { stroke(random(255), 100); line(i, 0, random(0, width), height); }
Random Stroke Weights
Random opacity and weight of the lines adds more variation to the composition.
/**/ size(800, 600); smooth(); background(0); strokeWeight(10); for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) { strokeWeight(random(2, 10)); stroke(random(255), random(10, 100)); line(i, 0, random(0, width), height); }
These code snippets were written in 2008 but work with the current version of Processing (as of this post, v3).