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screenshot of Visual Studio suggestion for an error

Practice debugging and troubleshooting. Solving code problems can be a challenge, especially when the errors aren't obvious. With a bit of debugging practice, though, you can learn to quickly identify and fix common errors. One of the ways you can practice your troubleshooting and critical thinking skills is to take an application that is broken, ...continue reading "Debugging Code: Poem Generator (C#)"

Random words, an array, and conditional statements. Create a word guessing game that asks a player to guess a random word. As we build the C# console application, we'll discuss some fundamental programming concepts. We'll build upon the code we started in . (If you haven't read it yet, you might want to start there!) ...continue reading "Word Guessing Game: C# Console Application"

inheritance example

A simple introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language) Unified Modeling Language UML is an industry standard way of modeling objects. It can be used to better understand objects and object-oriented programming, and to make it easier to conceptualize programming objects - the UML diagrams act like a template that can be used to write code from. ...continue reading "UML Introduction"