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A namespace is a logical unit of organization. There are namespaces that are built in to the .NET Framework, and ones you can make yourself. The .NET Framework classes are organized in namespaces. For example, the common method of writing to the console window is with Console.WriteLine("");. Console.WriteLine("Message"); Using Console.WriteLine(""); requires a using directive at ...continue reading "C# Namespaces"

hello world

A simple application in C#. Hello World is a traditional first application for a programmer learning a new language. It is a simple program that prints out a message to a display device and is a good way to learn the basic syntax of a language. A simple Hello World example: using System; namespace HelloWorld ...continue reading "C# Hello World"

inheritance example

A simple introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language) Unified Modeling Language UML is an industry standard way of modeling objects. It can be used to better understand objects and object-oriented programming, and to make it easier to conceptualize programming objects - the UML diagrams act like a template that can be used to write code from. ...continue reading "UML Introduction"