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'old lady who' song

Lyrics streamlined with arrays and a nested loop. A variation on the solution at that uses arrays, a nested loop, and composite formatting to print out the repetitive lyrics to the song "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly". Screenshot Repetitive Lyrics Code using System; namespace Song { class Program { private ...continue reading "Repetitive Lyrics Using Arrays & Nested Loop"


Print out a message letter by letter using a for loop to move through a string, and Thread.Sleep() to pause after each character is written to the console window. using System; namespace TypewriterEffect { class Program { static void Main() { Typewrite("Your text here..."); Console.ReadKey(); } static void Typewrite(string message) { for (int i = ...continue reading "Typewriter Effect"

hello world

A simple application in C#. Hello World is a traditional first application for a programmer learning a new language. It is a simple program that prints out a message to a display device and is a good way to learn the basic syntax of a language. A simple Hello World example: using System; namespace HelloWorld ...continue reading "C# Hello World"