Simple game created with Windows Forms
Code to create a simple fishing game that allows a graphic "character" - in this case a boat - to move around an area in a Windows Forms Application. With each movement random events can happen such as catching a fish.
Fishing Game Code
// using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace FishingGame5000 { public partial class GameBoard : Form { private int NumberMoves = 0; private int NumberFishes = 0; private bool Run = true; private int WinNumber = 10; static Random randomNumber = new Random(); private int number = 1; ListLakeItems = new List (); List FoundItems = new List (); public GameBoard() { InitializeComponent(); } private void MoveBoat() { NumberMoves++; MoveNumber.Text = Convert.ToString(NumberMoves); number = randomNumber.Next(10) + 1; if (number == 3) { number = randomNumber.Next(LakeItems.Count); if (number >2) { number = randomNumber.Next(LakeItems.Count); FoundItems.Add((string)LakeItems[number]); Other.Text = "You caught a " + LakeItems[number] + "!"; } Boat.Image = Properties.Resources.caughtfish; NumberFishes++; if (NumberFishes < 2) { Information.Text = "You caught a fish!"; } else { Information.Text = "Catch " + (WinNumber - NumberFishes) + " more fish to win!"; } FishNumber.Text = Convert.ToString(NumberFishes); if (NumberFishes == WinNumber) { //they win! string itemsFound = ""; foreach (string i in FoundItems) { if (itemsFound == "") { itemsFound = itemsFound + i; } else { itemsFound = itemsFound + "\n" + i; } } Information.Text = "You win!\nYou caught " + WinNumber + " fishes, and it took you " + NumberMoves + " moves. You also found:\n" + itemsFound; Other.Text = ""; Feedback.Show(); Run = false; } } } private void GameBoard_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (Run) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up) { if (Boat.Top >= 06) { Boat.Image = Properties.Resources.boat_up; Boat.Top -= 10; MoveBoat(); } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) { if (Boat.Left >= 06) { Boat.Image = Properties.Resources.boat_left; Boat.Left -= 10; MoveBoat(); } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) { if (Boat.Top <= 304) { Boat.Image = Properties.Resources.boat_down; Boat.Top += 10; MoveBoat(); } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) { if (Boat.Right <= 398) { Boat.Image = Properties.Resources.boat_right; Boat.Left += 10; MoveBoat(); } } } } private void GameBoard_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Feedback.Hide(); Information.Text = "Welcome! Sail around the lake by using the arrow keys. Find " + WinNumber + " fishes to win!"; LakeItems.Add("boot"); LakeItems.Add("jellyfish"); LakeItems.Add("shiny anchor"); LakeItems.Add("plastic water bottle"); LakeItems.Add("rusty can"); LakeItems.Add("strand of seaweed"); LakeItems.Add("snail"); LakeItems.Add("soggy straw hat"); LakeItems.Add("plastic bag"); LakeItems.Add("wood duck"); LakeItems.Add("plastic spoon"); } private void GameBoard_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { Boat.Image = Properties.Resources.boat; } } }