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Console Application Title Bar Text

Customize console window size and title. Modifying console window properties can improve your application interface for players of your text-based game, or users of your application. The application's title bar and window size are a couple of the basic command line window properties to consider modifying. Code examples are included to help you test out ...continue reading "Console Application Window Properties"

Iterating our simple C# Madlib code This is part two in a series to create iterative versions of a Madlib in C#. If you haven't read through , start there! Next Iteration A good practice is to keep the amount of code in our Main() function to a minimum. The first step we'll do in ...continue reading "Simple C# Madlib (Part Two)"

function MakeBear

Loops in C#. Loop structures are helpful when repeating statements; for example, if we wanted to print out a message to the console, or if we want to call a function. There are several types of loops that can be used, and each has their own strength. We'll look at do-while, for, and while C# ...continue reading "C# Loops: Ten Bears Song"

Fishing Game

Simple game created with Windows Forms Code to create a simple fishing game that allows a graphic "character" - in this case a boat - to move around an area in a Windows Forms Application. With each movement random events can happen such as catching a fish. Fishing Game Code // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; ...continue reading "Fishing Game"

'old lady who' song

Lyrics streamlined with arrays and a nested loop. A variation on the solution at that uses arrays, a nested loop, and composite formatting to print out the repetitive lyrics to the song "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly". Screenshot Repetitive Lyrics Code using System; namespace Song { class Program { private ...continue reading "Repetitive Lyrics Using Arrays & Nested Loop"


Madlibs are fun to build! Building a madlib is a great way to learn fundamental programming concepts. The application will ask a player to enter in words, it will store those words, and then replace words in a quote, story, or other short piece of text that will be written to the console window. The ...continue reading "Simple C# Madlib (Part One)"

hello world 2.0

In this walk through we'll build an interactive Hello World application. Expanding on the simple , we'll make a more advanced version that asks the person using it for their name, and write out a personalized hello to them. We'll also review basic programming concepts along the way. Review of Basic Terms and Concepts Statement: ...continue reading "Hello World 2.0"